About us

Mama Maps is a website and app that provides a resource for parents to find baby- and kid-friendly places, such as cafes and restaurants with changing tables, play areas, and nursing rooms.

Our Story

In October 2022, a beautiful baby named Kai was born to Sally and Tammo. When Kai was about three months old, Sally decided to pursue one of her favorite hobbies with her little one – visiting cafes. However, every time they went out, Kai would get so excited that he would end up having a messy diaper, which left Sally feeling embarrassed as a new mom. To make matters worse, there were times when there were no changing tables available, which meant Sally had to go out of her way to find a suitable place to change Kai or return home altogether.

One day, Sally spoke to Tammo about her struggles, and they decided to create a webpage and app that could help other moms facing similar challenges. That's how Mama Maps was born! Our goal is to provide a platform where families can find baby and kid-friendly places to visit, making it easier for parents to plan outings with their little ones. We believe that sharing experiences and information is essential for creating a supportive community of parents, and we hope that Mama Maps can help facilitate that.

In addition to helping parents find kid-friendly places, we are also launching a page where parents can share their old baby and kids' clothes and products with their neighbors. By doing this, we hope to promote sustainability while also creating opportunities for parents to connect with one another. We hope that Mama Maps can be a valuable resource for families everywhere, and we look forward to seeing it grow and evolve over time.

Thank you for supporting us as we embark on this exciting journey!